Apple Blossom Nursery

We believe that children should develop in a nurturing environment where each child can blossom in their own time and space. 

nurturing their curiosity

At Apple Blossom Nursery, we understand that children are naturally curious, this means we will nurture their curiosity throughout our setting. 

We will follow the lead of the child by encouraging their learning through their interest. By providing experiences, exploration and care to allow the curious minds of the children to flourish. 

Responsive Environment

We find that children have the desire to acquire knowledge and skill with a warm-hearted and responsive environment. We will follow through with this by:

  • Following the child's lead
  • Answering their questions 
  • Asking open ended questions 
  • Playing with natural materials and loose part play 
  • Being interested in their process not the end product
  • Valuing each child 
  • Allowing the children to learn independence

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